Making the world a little brighter, one thought at a time.
I’m a multimedia artist from Vienna, Austria, with a degree in Japanese Studies, and a passion for art & storytelling.
Please, take a moment to enjoy the results of the wild, fantastic escapades of my wandering mind. 🌸
Visual Art
A selection of my drawings and cosplay, both digital and traditional.
Writings (Non-Fiction)
A selection of academic papers and essays I have written on various topics.
[…] Is it possible to harmonize these two differing interpretations? Using a rather unusual example picked out of the corpus of Japanese disaster-fiction, which portrays a post-catastrophe future where society has been fully rebuilt in the absence of humanity, I wish to use this paper to contemplate what remains of Horn’s and Tanaka’s models of the “catastrophe future” once you have entirely removed humans from the equation of the world after the catastrophe, yet life on earth continues just as before.[…]
— Protect Your Turf - Portrayal of a post-Anthropocene world in disaster fiction, using the example of Nintendo’s Splatoon and Splatoon 2
“The night that this question I wanted answers to first crossed my mind, I was 14 years old. Now, four years later, I can only look back and say that the regrets from back then are still there. In many ways they even grew. But despite that, I wouldn’t trade that life I’ve had for the past few years for anything in the world. I wouldn’t have been able to find the answer to the question I asked myself that night in anybody else’s life.”
Writings (Fiction)
Stories I have written.
A small selection of video essays on various topics related to (especially) Japanese Pop Culture.
Current Ongoing Projects:
Syncretic Games - Japanese Studies Master’s Thesis
(German; in progress)Protect Your Turf! - Academic Paper on the Splatoon Games as an example of post-apocalyptic fiction
(completed; currently translating German -> English)Shadow Brother - young adult novel
(English; in editing)UNRELATED: Overflow Error - a fan-comic set in the multiverse of the games of Toby Fox
(English; in progress)Clover - video game concept
(English; planning stage)Contextualize: The Major Arcana - video essays on the use of tarot symbolism in the Persona games
(English; on pause)UnEnding - multimedia project
(English; on indefinite hiatus)