Want me to draw or write for you?
I offer Translation(German/Japanese/English), Writing and Art.
To order, please use the form at the bottom of the page.
All payments will be done in Euro(€) via Paypal. If you have questions, you can contact me via nenilein@gmx.at
Art Commissions
starting at 10€
10€ per character
+7€ per character for shading
+15€ for a detailed background
Complex designs (patterned clothes, layered clothes, chains, etc.) may raise the price additionally.
starting at 14€
12€ per character
+7€ per character for shading (crosshatching)
+9€ per character for color (markers)
+15-25€ for a detailed background (ink)
+20-40€ for a detailed background (color)
Complex designs (patterned clothes, layered clothes, chains, etc.) may raise the price additionally.
starting at 10€
10€ per character
+8€ per character for color
+5€ per character for shading
+20-40€ for a detailed background (depending on complexity)
Complex designs (patterned clothes, layered clothes, chains, etc.) may raise the price additionally.
starting at 8€ per page
From English/German: 8€ per page (~500 words)
From Japanese: 15€ per page (~1000 characters)
starting at 1€ per page
From English/German: 1-7€ per page
(depending on amount of text)
From Japanese: 2.50-13€ per page
(depending on amount of text)
Only provides a script-translation; I will not edit the actual pages!
starting at 0.50€ per page
From English/German:
Light Text Page= 0.50€ per Page
Heavy Text Page = 1€ per Page
From Japanese:
Light Text Page= 1€ per Page
Heavy Text Page = 2.50€ per Page
Only provides a script-translation; I will not edit the actual pages!
9€ per page (~500 Words)
I need to be familiar with the subject matter.
I will write in English or German. Requesting Japanese Writing will cost extra.
I maintain the right to refuse a writing commission for any reason.
7.50€ per page (~500 Words)
I need to be familiar with the franchise you want me to write about.
I will write in English or German. Requesting Japanese Writing will cost extra.
The resulting story will be posted on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net for public access with credits given to the client, and may not be sold by the client in any way.
I maintain the right to refuse a writing commission for any reason.
2€ (~100 words)
I need to be familiar with the subject matter.
I maintain the right to refuse a writing commission for any reason.
Please fill out the form
I will reply to your request with an E-Mail from “nenilein@gmx.at” at the earliest possibly opportunity. Please Whitelist that address, so my Mail won’t accidentally be classified as spam.
All payments will be done via Paypal. I will not accept payment until at least 25% of the work have been completed and reviewed by the client. However, should I not have received payment by the time 50% have been completed, I will halt work until the commission has been paid in full.
For reasons of organization, all commissions need to use this form!