Who I Am


Born 1992 in beautiful Austria, I grew up surrounded by art, history, several pop-culture booms and a lovely family. My biracial background was part of why I took an interest in foreign cultures from a young age.

I started writing at the age of 14, drawing at the age of 15 and sewing costumes at the age of 17. Since 2010 I have been studying Japanese studies with a focus in pop-culture studies at the University of Vienna. 2013-1014 I spent a year on exchange at the Tokyo Metropolitan University in Hachiôji, Japan. After completion of my master’s thesis on the use of religious themes in Japanese video games, I am planning to work towards my PhD in Japanese Studies.

From 2018-2019 I worked at the Vienna University of Economics as a research assistant, 2019-2020 I interned at the company SignTime GmbH in QA. Occasionally, I host analytical streams of video games and upload video essays on YouTube. I am also currently working on a novel titled Shadow Brother.

My motto in life is that ‘perfection’ is not attainable- ‘progress’ is.
Every step on our life’s journey that we take defines us, no matter in how small a way. That’s why I also don’t believe in the concept of “growing out” of “childish things”; Animation, stories, games, toys and all those other colorful things are a fundamental part of culture. Rather than being discarded with age, they deserve to be appreciated, preserved and studied. That way, I believe, we can learn to understand better both, ourselves and our children.