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UnEnding (Multimedia Project)

“UnEnding” is a multimedia project I created in collaboration with artist Kate Hughes back in 2016. The premise was that a group of Japanese teenagers and young adults, given supernatural powers by fictional characters they related to, have to stop the worlds of fictional stories from overtaking and consuming their reality. The project was inspired by 90s Anime and the novel “The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende, and was designed to play with the 4th wall and directly involve the reader as yet another layer of “reality” that existed in the story. However, due to inexperience with webdesign, marketing and projects of this scale, I shelved the project in 2017 and, unfortunately, also lost contact with Kate Hughes, who was responsible for the majority of the art and more than half of the character designs. Should I ever decide to revive this project, I would first need to establish contact with Kate again, as I don’t plan on using her character designs without her permission.

You can read the first chapter here.


Contextualize: The Major Arcana (Video Essays)